House Greyjoy
We Do Not Sow 
Affiliation: Sided with the blacks

[hider=The Red Kraken]
Lord Dalton Greyjoy
The Red-Kraken
Age: 39


Long is the list of words used to describe the Red Kraken across Westeros, impulsive, hedonistic, [i]merciless.[/i] By his own people he is seen as a true son of the Iron-Islands and a charismatic leader at that. Few though really know the man behind the myth.

Dalton is a troubled man, restless in both body and spirit. He was raised by his father steeped in the lore of their people, of the drowned god, the seastone chair and the glory days of the great Iron-Kings, Dalton drank it all up. But as he grew older and learned more about the wider world that great image of their people that his father had spun out to him seemed to shatter apart. They were not a proud warrior people, they were a barbaric culture who didn't know when they were beaten.
The revelation seemed to unhinge Dalton a bit, many noticed his behaviour growing somewhat erratic, even for a Greyjoy. In truth he had sunk into a depression, one he would never really come out of. Not long after Dalton announced he would be travelling abroad as a sellsail accompanied by his soft spoken uncle one of the few he could really connect with. The announcement was lauded by all, many thought it was good for the heir to gain experience of warfare and for others it was a sigh of relief after bouts of his unpredictable behaviour. 

Years of fighting in various countries and battles across the known seas made it clear to Dalton that this life didn't seem to fill the emptiness he had inside him. The death of his uncle in a battle on the Stepstones earned him the name Red Kraken for what he did in retribution but also planted a rage within him that could not be soothed.

After several more incidents that reinforced his new nickname; Dalton found no peace and trying to remember his uncles words he abandoned most of his worldly possessions and travelled to the Summer Isles in an attempt to live a happy life. But all he found their was the same hollowness which had followed him around his whole life.

When word finally reached him of his fathers demise Dalton decided it was time to head home and rule, when the Dance began both sides tried to gain his allegiance, but it was the blacks and their offer of bloodshed over titles that brought him to the fold and made the greens an outlet to his anger. Eventually the war, like all others, did come to an end. The orders of a newly crowned boy king informing the Red Kraken to heel were left floating somewhere on the wester sea.  

[hider=Veron Greyjoy]
[b]Veron Greyjoy[/b]
[b]Age:[/b] 35

[b]Affiliation:[/b] Younger brother to Dalton from their father Urrion's second wife, a lady of house Farwynd

There's said to be something...[i]other[/i] about Veron. While Dalton is fiery, charismatic and impulsive Veron is generally much colder and ponderous. He is a well read man, what time he did spend abroad was usually in pursuit of some tome or other, he even reputedly visited the citadel on a number of occasions. 

Veron is certainly very spiritual, called a fanatic by his critics and there are those that even whisper of him being a sorcerer. Suffice to say he isn't the most trusted man on Pyke. 

Growing up Veron spent a lot of time in the shadow of his older brother, a martial and charismatic man Dalton always seemed to outshine his more bookish younger brother. Secretly Veron was glad when he left to become a sellsail, he soon became the favoured son and despite himself enjoyed the attention and prestige it brought.

By the time their father died Dalton had not been heard of for some time and so for a while it was thought that Veron might be the one to inherit in absence of his brother, but just as the Iron-Men were generally coming around to that view Dalton did unexpectedly return. Outwardly Veron was glad to see him but he couldn't fully repress some resentment at the return of this prodigal son.

Nevertheless Veron is and was a religious and dutiful man, he offered he advice and served to the best of his abilities. Including telling Dalton about his vision of a storm, one that would inspire his brother to start reinforcing their armies.


What is dead may never die![/Center]