[quote=@OneEyedChurro] [b]Memories[/b] [i]I am kneeling in front of a throne, on which there is no one seated. A man is in front of me; he looks like me, though his hair and beard are grey. He wears a crown, and looks displeased.[/i] [/quote] [quote=@Laue] [b]Memories[/b]: [i]Maldron is in front of a throne. A man with long grey hair sits on it, with a grand, golden grown, expensive and colorful clothes. His throat is cut wide open, and he gurgles as blood gushes out. Around him are bodies of the King's guard. The throne room's floor is full of warm, red blood. Maldron feels absolutely nothing.[/i] [/quote] Sounds like we're talking about the same person. That could be interesting.