"I have to WHAT?" Isabeau paused in her attempt to leave the Chamber of Fayth, turning around to listen to her eager Guardian. Isabeau couldn't help but admire the girl's gestures, calling her with such respectful titles, being more helpful than before, and showing a devotion, or was it dedication, to her simply on the grounds of Isabeau now being chosen as a summoner. "Pray..."I have to pray? I can't just summon?" Isabeau sighed as she re-entered the Chamber. No one had told her exactly [i]how[/i] one became a summoner, or the process involved, but she remained in the Chamber, waiting for everyone else to leave. If she was going to pray, it would be done in private. "Pray...right...pray." Isabeau took a deep breath and made the hand gestures of the prayer. Everyone in Spira knew it, one of the traditions that never died, and even her mother, when she wasn't making boastful and arrogant claims, had been known to offer her prayers as well. Isabeau closed her eyes, bowing, and then rose, repeating the prayer, keeping her eyes closed and her mind open. Isabeau's hair blew slightly in the brief breeze, that must have meant the prayer was working. She repeated the gesture once more, bowing low, and her body went warm. It hit her all of a sudden, a warm, inviting feeling, one of friendliness and one of hope. Her eyes opened and her knees went wobbly, and she fell onto her back. She looked at her palms, they looked the same, though she could feel [i]something[/i] within them. Was this what it felt like? Was this what it was like to be as summoner. "It's...true...I'm a summoner..." she spoke, softly. "Me...a summoner...wait until mother hears about this..." Isabeau laughed, a friendly laugh. She laughed in disbelief, and she laughed because it was the first thing that came to her mind.