I have an idea. But, as with many ideas, this one comes with some doubts. One of them, the more boring and mundane one, is that of simply time - from mid-April to early May, I'll be out of country, and since it is work rather than vacation, I may just come to be that I'll either be only able to cram in a short reply or two, or not be able to reply at all. Would that be something you can work with? (Alternatively, would this RP be open for applications later on?) What do you expect the average turnover for posts to be in general? I personally only dare to promise roughly one post per week to take account of all possible times of excess preoccupation. At worst, I will still post once in two weeks. The other doubts are more related to the RP itself, and the world it takes place within. I have a very distinct type of character in mind, as well as a potential progression through subsequent awakenings, should any come to occur in the story (naturally depends on whether said character of mine gets themselves killed or not ... I'm actually rather inclined to start out with my character's second or third awakening, not the first - but I fear it might go too far from the intended purpose of the RP, so I'm not sure whether I could actually do it). Without revealing too much, I'd focus less on hopelessness and fear (not all people are the same, and thus won't react even remotely the same, either) and more on transformation, for the lack of a better term. [i]Progression.[/i] Would that eventually lead to a monster like those described wandering the planes - who might not be as mindless as implied - or something else entirely, not even I know yet. It all depends on the IC and what said character is subjected to. Now, some integral questions. Is it possible for the physical form to change from one awakening to the next? Same - is it possible to the personality to alter in ways it simply could not in living beings? Do beings generally retain the memories from previous awakenings, or are they "wiped" after each? I would like my character to only retain some (brief scenes or images of whatever left the strongest impressions on them in IC), and for those to mingle with the "living" memories and perhaps contort them, slowly [i]replacing[/i] rather than erasing them. I'll also hint that not all memories may necessarily be true to begin with, but rather snippets of dreams or imaginations - even the human brain simply makes things up all the time without us realizing it, after all... Finally, would it be feasible for me to start out with a non-first awakening (to ... further along things a bit)? ...Also, what is a "mer"? I do pardon myself if it is a silly and ignorant question. Those things said and asked, should it be at all possible for me to fit in my character as I intended and envisioned them, I'll put together a CS by next Monday the latest.