Hmm... As I mentioned, this concept of mine is rather dependent on memories also changing and being added and replaced rather than being only removed - meaning that rather than 'remove one or several with each death', the result of death would be closer to 'remove one memory, alter two more existing ones, add three new ones since the last awakening which may be either real, partly real, stolen, or utter bogus'. Also, everything not listed will be gone, should they die. Each awakening would be a "fresh" start, so to speak. The physical changes would be fairly gradual (an inch of height, mild alteration of facial features, scars disappearing and appearing, more or less musculature, eye or hair color - while they might become something else entirely after a hundred or thousand cycles, they definitely won't after a mere couple of deaths), and somewhat reflect the changes to memories (and self). They started out as normal human, but might not be entirely so anymore - after some (or some dozens of) cycles, anyway. Essentially, once they will have no recollection of being human or amongst them, either in life or this undeath, they would probably become a monster of some description. Not 'empty', but with only new, stolen, and bogus memories. Mad...? Depends what they ended up with and your definition of mad. Hostile? Same deal. So ... yeah. Perhaps not exactly 'played character as intended' as I expressed originally, but nevertheless one which came to mind when I read the opening post and I - if allowed - would love to try out now that I have the concept built up (it is a rather vocal and persistent concept, too). Should I begin writing the character sheet, or at least the memory sets, to give you a better feel of what I want to do with them? And certainly good to know that absences, when announced early enough, would not be an issue.