[h1]Edolas[/h1][h3]Mayt[/h3] Mayt sighed, and decided to ignore the fake Karn's comment, but frowned at his comment of finding a cure, and looked at the fraud. [b]"So Karn's sick."[/b] He leaned back, thinking for a long moment. [b]"Alright... So, Penny, remember these things, because I won't and I doubt this particular individual will bother showing up to tell us when we get back to Earthland."[/b] He jostled Fake Karn a little, thinking. [b]"Oh, right, Wes. I can't say I ever met the guy, but I remember his name. Yeah, a lot to sort through, and I was half senseless during that fight."[/b] He chuckled softly, and motioned for them to be quiet for a moment. He managed to catch the end of the speech by the unknown man, and then the entire one by Liana. He set his teeth, and it was clear his opinion on the matter. [b]"Sending a mass of people to Earthland is a bad idea. And not just because of the sudden increase in population."[/b] He looked over at Penny, as if asking what she thought. [h1]Earthland[/h1][h3]Melina and Mithera[/h3] Melina nodded, thinking, and almost fell as James stopped suddenly, but managed to use him to stay upright. [b]"Tell me if you're going to stop next time please Jamsie."[/b] She snuggled up to him, before letting go, and heading for the back of the guild hall, after planting a kiss on his cheek. [b]"I'll talk to you later Jamsie, I have a Mithera to attend to!"[/b] She smiled, and as she went to the back of the guild, not going through the building. As she saw all the new members, she whistled loudly. [b]"Mmm, well, that's interesting."[/b] She chuckled softly, and started to mingle amongst them, deciding which one to bother, occationally glancing over at Mithera. Her smell of blood and death would be painfully obvious to the dragonslayers and anyone else with a keen nose, but most everyone else wouldn't notice it as much. [h3]Mithera[/h3]Mithera growled a little as the dust mage suggested making something for her leg, and she had to keep herself from stomping her foot in anger. [b]"I said my ankle is [i]fine[/i], thank you very much!"[/b] She growled a little at Fleo, before turning to Master Jamie. [b]"To be honest, I'm fully expecting to be hounded by Karn, but I also assume you haven't cleaned up my old nest yet. So there is that, and I'm going to stay if Zero here decides to, so if you find me interesting, convincing him to stay is your best bet of keeping me here, as well as getting another interesting character."[/b]