[h1]Sage Ruzuzaki[/h1] Sage look at Gwen, but couldn't help by to notice that she was still naked. But another event brought his attention somewhere else. A pink hue bubble as appeared around the town. SWmirking, Sage thanked Niti. 'Giving credit where it's due.' Sage nodded before looking back at Gwen. [color=00aeef] "I'm fine. More importantly let's head to the shrine. Don't ask why, fellow Lamia Scale member. Tell everyone to head to the shrine ."[/color] Gwen spoke calmly, yet she looked like she was about to collapse again, make him worried. 'So there's a shrine in this madness huh, could be worthwhile to check it out.' he wondered before another voice called out. [color=f26522]"Shrine? North? Is that where the large presence is?"[/color] Sage turned around to meet her. 'So you're Aria Hunterblade...' sheathing his katanas he established a mental connection once again. ............ [color=ed1c24][b]"I know kid, you want to know where that source of Demonic Power is coming from right?"[/b][/color] Bakuko read his mind and yawned, rising from his sleep. He was brimmed with Magic [color=ed1c24][color=ed1c24][b]"You and the other need to head southwest actually."[/b][/color][/color] 'ok then.' [color=ed1c24][b]"One more thing."[/b][/color] 'what?' [color=ed1c24][color=ed1c24]"Dodge!"[/color][/color] ............ Sage instincts kicked in as he grabbed the waist of both girl and jumped out, on cue a dozen of sword came raining from the sky, piercing the ground like butter. Release them from his hold Sage dusted his hands. 'Those sword...' he scowled, just like Aria. 'I know[u][color=f6989d] one person[/color][/u] who summoned swords like this.' breathing out he walked towards the burning sword. 'sensei.' [b][color=ed1c24]"On it."[/color][/b] Unknown to Aria and Gwen, Sage right hand turned black and red turning into a claw-like hand. He Grasped the sword, which tried to burn him, but he wouldn't have any of it. Yanking it out he assessed the blade. [img]http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/129/7/2/flame_sword_by_kreiaxrevan-d3g077p.jpg[/img] 'Not bad, i guess i can use this and the Railgun as well.' he practiced a few swings before getting out his notepad out and wrote something on it, he sent it playing to the girls. 'I'm ready to head to the shrine, shall we?' nodding at them he turned southwest and started jogging.