[i]Nightfall, Trelleborg, Healing House[/i] Loker felt the woman's righteous fury deep in his heart, she had every right to demand justice for her children. She was a free Dane woman and entitled to compensation for the insult. If it were a normal time, if the Jarl was there, he could call a thing and put Harald up for judgment by the free people of Trelleborg. That Ragnar's and Hallerna's complaints could be heard and redressed properly but these were not ordinary times. The peace was tenuous and he knew Harald enough to see him as a coiled adder, waiting for the perfect time to strike. [b]"Hallerna,"[/b] he said, recalling her name from their introduction that morning.[b]"You are right, your children were threatened and your family insulted by Harald's men. If I could make this right for everyone involved, I would."[/b] His dark blue eyes met hers, his face lined with worry and frustration, [b]"The peace in Trelleborg balances on a knife's edge, anything can set it off and we will have a war within these walls and no one's child will be safe. If you demand it, I will take you to Harald with my men and you can ask for compensation. What he might give you is anyone's guess but it would certainly put your family in his thoughts."[/b] Loker looked at the axe she gripped, it was a farmer's axe not a warrior's bearded axe and he closed his eyes briefly, huffing a breath through his mustache, [b]"His men wanted Ragnarsson's blood, your children merely happened to be there and they were nearly killed. Do you really want him to focus any attention on you and your girls."[/b] The auburn haired housekarl glanced over at the healing house, he had not forgotten Faolan's words about the slave girl being assaulted. Loker pulled up his cloak against the cold, [b]"Hallerna, Svala did what she had to do, what you would have done. I am sorry for it but I would be much sorrier for the results had she not been strong enough to take a man's life."[/b] He looked down at her face, the wrath of a mother was a powerful thing and he had the utmost respect for it. [b]"As housekarl, I invite you and your girls to stay at the Hall. Freya also tells me how much help your children were in the kitchen today and that the bread received many compliments.[/b] Loker resisted the urge to reach up and brush a damp lock of golden hair from the woman's face and he bowed his head slightly, [b]"I am yours to call on for aid, Hallerna Halfdanesdottier. You will be protected by myself and all the Jarl's men, no one will touch you or your daughters."[/b] Hoping his assurances had calmed her down so she would not go storming after Harald, he asked, [b]"You said it was the painted man who stopped the raiders that attacked the children? You must mean that mouthy Christian Pict. I thought he had gone with Einnar's search party."[/b] Loker recalled his last conversation with Orran, how through his broken Danish he had explained that Bjorn had run off followed by draugr to pull them away from the supply wagons. He sighed, [b]"You should get out of this weather."[/b] Ivarr lit the torches and when the door opened and Svala stepped through it and spoke to him, he gave her an impish smile, [b]"And you are the most welcome sight I've seen in long time. You are fair as Freya herself and just as deadly, I hear."[/b] Despite the somber mood, Haakon could not help but notice the lovely young woman. Haakon watched Ivarr and rolled his eyes slightly. The maiden was no meadhall trollop that would be impressed with such speech. He was silent until she passed to go to her mother and he shook his head at the twinkle in the younger man's eyes. [b]"Don't even think about it,"[/b] he muttered, pushing his damp dark hair out of his face when the young man joined him again. Ivarr shrugged, [b]"I can try, can't I?"[/b] [b]"Don't bother the poor girl, unless you want her axe buried in your neck,"[/b] Haakon replied, nodding slightly at the weapon gripped in the girl's hand. [b]"I like them feisty,"[/b] he said, raising his eyebrows with a cocky smile as he watched Svala. Sigrid half listened to the young men and she turned her attention to Ragnar who had come back from speaking to Loker. She felt her shame at her outburst anew when he made eye contact, she knew she had disappointed him. He said nothing and when she walked up to him, he touched her arm briefly, not to stop her but to assure her that he was not angry. After being married for nearly a decade they knew each other and Ragnar saw in her body language how upset she was with herself. Nothing he could say would make her feel worse and he needed her strength. She knew they would talk about it later, when they were alone, away from the ears of strangers. Together they stood in the torchlight, away from Loker and Hallerna's intense discussion. [b]”Ragnar, I’m sorry I shouldn’t ha-”[/b] she began, ashamed to look at her husband. [b]”Not now,”[/b]he said. [b]"Will you speak to Orran?"[/b] she asked, after a moment, feeling his thumb graze her wrist. [b]"Didn't you thank him?"[/b] Ragnar grumbled. Sigrid glanced at the door, [b]"He saved our children's lives, perhaps something more than just words?"[/b] Ragnar glowered and snorted, letting go of her hand, [b]"What do you suggest?"[/b] [b]"If he were not a Christian, you would have given him a ring off your arm already,"[/b] she observed, speaking in a low tone. [b]"You cannot deny he is a mighty warrior to have taken on so many and prevailed without a scratch."[/b] [b]"Drunken louts with shitty weapons,"[/b] he growled. [b]"Any warrior worth their salt could have done the same."[/b] [b]"Ragnar,"[/b] she looked up at him, her greyish green eyes dark in the dimlight, [b]"You're better than that."[/b] [b]"And have him reject my offer and insult me? I'd rather avoid the whole mess,"[/b] he replied, looking away from his wife's lovely face before she could convince him otherwise. [b]"If he is like the monk and will not take coin, then a ring would not do either. I'll make the proper gesture, rest assured."[/b] [b]"I trust you will,"[/b] she said. [b]"I'm going into check on the children, we should leave soon to our home and make sure it's still standing."[/b] Sigrid went into the house, pulling down the hood of her cloak and felt her cold hands tingle as they began to warm up. Inside the longhouse, the benches were full of wounded men, at least eight that had been injured bad enough to stay. There were two others who were refugees like them, sick from eating foul food on the way to the fort. Then there were the injured slaves. All of them belonging to the Ragnarssons now. She pulled her cloak from her shoulders, hanging it on a peg on the wall to dry, and she went to where the children sat near Tora's bench. She cuddled Dagny and pet Ejya's fiery curls before looking over at the beaten Pict. He reminded her of Orran and she looked to where he stood with the monk. [b]"Christian,"[/b] she said, standing up, her back straight and her chin held up with pride as she looked him in his dark. [b]"I want you to know you have both mine and Ragnar's gratitude for saving our children. I know...it is the will of your god, but thank you."[/b] Ragnar watched her go and then turned his attention back to the darkness of Trelleborg. It burned in him that Harald was still breathing. He wanted nothing more than to call the man out for a duel, he was confident he could quickly handle him and end the trouble making false thegn. He could see spots of fire as people lit torches outside their homes and the tension was still thick in the air. He was tired but it was nothing he could not power through. Ragnar was used to the physical and mental strain and exhaustion that came with battle. What concerned him more was the unknown, about the men who had been injured in the supply run. He was uncertain so he did not want to raise a panic but it nagged at him how quickly the people who had been around the cursed man they brought back had become cursed themselves. Even the seidrkona. He felt his scalp crawl at the thought of the magic powerful enough to do that. He walked back over to the healing house, catching Haakon and Ivarr's glances at Hallerna's daughter, [b]"Watch yourselves, lads. I saw her mother fight against the draugr, she could probably make short work out of you both."[/b] Ragnar caught sight of Faolan, still armed with the bow and spear. He frowned and went over to him, [b]"You won't be needing those this time, return them to one of the Jarl's men and then go find that Saxon slave. Have him go to Sigrid once he's done burying that body."[/b]