((Just to help paint out the situation)) To the front of the building everyone was at the mercy of the gunmen, complying to their orders and keeping to the floor like they were told. Some would look up only to be shouted at and had a gun waved at their face, but over time the 'thieves' got themselves situated; three staying in the lobby and the rest going deeper into the building. There were offices behind the lobby along with a hallway in the back of the offices where those who were quick enough escaped to. It seemed to the group though holding hostages wasn't a priority... Instead, they focused on locking down the building and going up the staircase. Two men were left behind in the offices and the rest were in the second floor while the hooded masked female went up the stairs towards the top floor and forced her way into the server room, where she wandered among the huge computers and stopped at a terminal. There she began taking out a device and hooking it to the computer, now simply waiting for the device to do it's job. In the back hall the two detectives were brushing past the fleeing pedestrians, making their way towards the end of the hall. Unknowing to the two law enforcement officials trouble was right around the corner and their lives were on the line as soon as they stepped into the doorway.