The tall red head opened her blue eyes slightly as she heard footsteps heading toward her and she already could guess who it was. Her suspicions were only confirmed as Gippal spoke and questioned her. Despite how they were the usual rivals, Gippal tended to worry over others in such circumstances. He wasn't really one to hold a terrible grudge unless someone managed to do something terrible. [b]"Just irritated. Headaches have passed now that I'm in the fresh air. They also come around if I stay too long in the temple, or apparently go deeper in them. What about you? Shouldn't you be with the all mighty Summoner?"[/b] she asked! her voice clear as usual but less angry now. At this, she could hear that black haired woman from before and she couldn't help but growl a little. She was the one who started this whole mess. [b]"Well... Speak of the woman who started it... Seems like she's calling you. Go ahead, I'll be fine here."[/b] she said as she waved her free hand casually.