[hider=Jasper] [b]Given Name[/b] Jasper [hider=Appearance][img]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-lpnXgnN9V1o/UPlG4DCtbDI/AAAAAAAFZAY/F6rc45DaWQw/s1600/13.jpg[/img][/hider] Jasper is a young man that appears to be in his early twenties that stands an inch or so under six feet. His face is fairly good looking, with his square jaw and high cheekbones and a pair of rust brown eyes look out into the world. His skin still holds a tan, olive tone to it but with time it is steadily fading; but his dark brown hair, shaved close to his head, still retains it’s full color. Jasper is decently muscled, but his lean body is better equipped for speed. [b]Equipment[/b] -[b]Clothing;[/b] he wears a simple grey tunic and pants and a cloak that appears to be made of scraps of fur from different animals. He has no shoes, and a weathered pack made of hard leather that holds his supplies. Around his wrists, neck and ankles appear to be iron shackles but with no visible chain. -[b]Weapons;[/b] a round shield made of steel with no coat of arms or other discernible marks and a shepherd’s sling. -[b]Other;[/b] in the center of his chest, over his heart and visible through a tear in his tunic is a smooth jasper stone with a crack in the center that appears to be fused into his skin. It is a stone very similar to the one in the chest of the [url=http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/157/c/6/fire_demon_2_by_nafah-d3i6h8c.png]small, demonic creature[/url] that scornfully follows him around. (*Ignore the human figure in the picture! The creature is not that big! It’s the size of a house cat!) [b]Memories[/b] -A small shack at the edge of a sprawling village with only a small garden on the land and a few sheep. There are only two rooms inside of the shack, the main room and a bedroom where a teenage girl lays sleeping or coughing. -On a sunny day he was fishing in a small clear pond, contemplating jumping in for a swim if he could catch a few more fish. -A grim faced old man sat with him at his kitchen table, the words he was saying sounding as though there were a million miles away. All he could hear was the haggard coughing from the next room. -He was kneeling in the garden outside of the small shack, pulling weeds from the soil when he felt eyes on him. Looking up he saw a group of men in hooded cloaks standing on his property. They approached and the vision begins to jump around, one moment they were talking and the next he was yelling and pointing for them to get off his property. In a blur of color he was inside of the bedroom, assuring the worried girl with a forced smile that everything was okay. -Being awoken from a dead sleep with hands roughly grabbing him and a high pitched scream from the other room. -His home on fire as iron shackles were placed on his wrists. -Darkness and pain. [hider=Awakening] A sharp, burning pain flashed across his face and he jerked awake. Blinking he found himself staring into the glowing eyes of a creature that appeared to be on fire. On instinct he sat up and knocked the demon off his chest, sending it far away from him and into a cracked wall. It twisted it’s body in the air so it’s feet landed against the wall, it’s claws sinking into the stone to keep it in place. It glared and growled at him, it’s body appearing to grow even brighter. For a moment he only stared at the horned, flaming creature, his chest heaving as he panted for breath. His hand move around behind him until it gripped a rock and he grew still. After a few tense, silent seconds he threw the rock as hard as he could; hitting the creature on the head. A splitting pain hit him in the center of his forehead and he cried out, bringing up his hands to the spot. “Son of a whore!” He gritted out, lowering his hands and forcing his eyes to crack open. There was the creature sitting on the floor now, it’s wispy tail flicking behind it and looking at him. If he didn’t know any better, he’d say the thing was laughing at him. Grinding his teeth he reached behind him and picked up another loose rock, chucking it at the creature again. His aim was slightly off because of the pain in his head, but to his confusion the creature moved into the path of the rock. The rock hit it’s head and more pain struck through his skull like lightning. He fell onto his back, cradling his head and breathing heavily through his nose. This time the creature was making a hacking sound that definitely sounded like laughing. Growing frustrated he stood up to his bare feet, about to storm off when he felt weight on him. Pausing he turned to look behind him and saw a metal shield on his back with a pack underneath it. Shaking his head he looked back over to the creature, still sitting in place before taking off at a sprint through what appeared to be catacombs. His feet splashed in ice cold water but he ignored it as he ran through the pitch darkness. Splashing sounded behind him and he turned his head to see the creature running after him, it’s strange body lighting the area around it like a lantern. “Away with you demon!” He shouted. A searing pain exploded over his face as though he had slammed into a wall and he knew very well he had not. He stumbled to a stop, his head spinning like a top. He leaned his hand against a cold, slimy wall to wait until the spinning ceased. Steadily the area around him grew lighter and lighter until he could feel a warm presence by his feet. The demon. If he weren’t so disoriented he would kick the damned thing. He shut his eyes and tried to ignore it since it didn’t seem to be interested in attacking him. Suddenly warmth spread across his chest as light slipped in from his closed eyelids. Opening them with a start he looked down to see the light coming from under his tunic. Pulling the collar away the light grew dim until he saw the red stone with dark black veins in his chest. A jasper stone? Something thumped against his leg and he looked down to see the small demon sitting proud with it’s chest out and displaying a similar stone in it’s chest. “What the hell?”[/hider][/hider]