The sound of an alarm drove spikes into Delia's brain. Her reached out her hand and fumbled around. [i][color=a187be]God. What did I drink last night?[/color][/i] She wondered as she continued searching for her alarm. Except it seemed to have moved during the night. Tentatively Delia cracked open one brown eye and groaned. Light streamed into her room. She cursed as she closed the blinded eye and threw and arm over her face. She swore again as the noise made her head hurt even worse. It must have been a hell of a party. She hadn't been this smashed in ages. She didn't even remember the party. Delia moved and suddenly found no more bed under her. She squeaked as she hit the floor with a thud and another curse. The movement made her clutch her head and groan again, more hamming it up at this point to see if anyone would come and pity her. Of course the alarm had the obnoxious gal to continue to beep at her. The annoying machine. Once she got to her feet she was going to rip it out of the wall and mangle it beyond repair. Dax would be proud of her violent thoughts. Delia was a non-violent sort of person. She was passive aggressive sort of person. And when that failed she was usually pretty good at manipulating someone to be her benefactor. Usually Dax. He was the most violent of all her friends. He had no problem scaring people. Of course that was why he hung around her. Said he felt less violent when she was around. It didn't hurt that he bought her shinny baubles to make her happy. [i][color=a187be]Just be quiet.[/color][/i] Delia begged the infernal machine mentalli. [i][color=a187be]Please. Aren't you supposed to shut off after a few minutes anyways?[/color][/i] Delia knew it wasn't listening to her. Or else it would have shut up. She wiggled around to push herself up and stopped. This wasn't her carpet. She forced her eyes open and stared at a horendous seventies orange. "[color=a187be]Gods Above.[/color]" Delia whispered. This wasn't her room. She whipped her head about and saw, much to her horror, she was in a tacky hotel, probably motel, room.