"Y-Yes, very!" Anne stammered. "Hold on, there might be something around here you can plug your nose with at least." She turned and stared blankly at the room. There was nothing at all of any use that she could see. "Maybe there's a bathroom around with some TP," Anne said. She looked down at her hand and realized she still had the other candle. She quickly lit it using Gideon's candle and hurried back downstairs, carefully trying to not break another step. She knew there were still two other doorways they hadn't explored. She shivered. She already regretted not asking someone to come with her. The building was so dark... No, she had to be brave. She took a deep breath and tried one of the doorways. - Gideon set down the candle on the desk and glanced at the paper. Before reading it, he decided to politely pull the dusty blankets off of the bed for Alexi. The bed underneath was well protected and almost completely free of dust. Without another word, he came back to the desk and brushed dust off of the paper. It was a page out of a notebook, no doubt. There was something written on it, but he found it difficult to read. The handwriting was awful, and the rest was faded. It took a while, but he finally deciphered what it read. [b][i] I cannot live like this anymore. Every night. Every single night. I hear his breath, I hear his voice. It speaks my name and my family's. I know he's there, but I fear to open my eyes. His bloody claws. He is the Rake. [/i][/b] "The fuck is this..." Gideon mumbled adjusting his glasses. [hider][img]http://ibin.co/1wTVdtIdE29A[/img][/hider]