[color=00aeef][b]Who...who are you?[/b][/color] Delia whipped her head back so hard she gave herself whiplash. She grabbed her neck and groaned even as she scooted away from the bed. The young woman stared with eyes wide open. There was a rather attractive woman on her bed. Delia tried to remember the brown headed woman, but came up blank. She looked down and saw much to her relief she was clothed. Maybe that was a good sign they hadn't... Delia looked back up at the woman quickly. She hadn't moved in those few heartbeats. She squinted her eyes to make her headache less. Sunglasses would have been nice. "[color=bc8dbf]Who am I?[/color]" Delia squeaked. Her voice was thin and reedy, on the edge of panic. "[color=bc8dbf]Did we sleep together?[/color]" She hit the wall with a small smack. "[color=bc8dbf]Oh God. Dax is going to kill me if I cheated on him.[/color]" She groaned again. Delia was fond of being overly dramatic. "[color=bc8dbf]But maybe he'll forgive me since it was a woman.[/color]" She clutched her head in woe. Then turned her doe eyes onto the strange woman. By now her headache was beginning to recede. Or was it because she had something else to focus on it was no longer as noticeable? Still, she wasn't enjoying the fact she was in a slum motel with a strange woman. "[color=bc8dbf]Did you drug me?[/color]" She kept talking, once sentence after another, not giving the other girl a chance to respond. "[color=bc8dbf]Is that why I can't remember?[/color]" She swore. "[color=bc8dbf]I can't even remember what day it is. I'm probably late for work.[/color]" Another dramatic groan. "[color=bc8dbf]I don't want to be fired.[/color]" Yet as she continued to talk her voice stabilized, even if at the end she added a little hiccup as if she was about to cry.