Anne cheered silently to herself as she found a door that led to the bathroom. The room was just as dusty as every other room in the house. She looked around and found a roll of toilet paper. She unrolled it a little, trying to get the dusty paper off. She tried brushing it off the side to no avail. She looked around for a moment, hoping there might be another roll that wasn't so dusty, but there was none. She sighed. This would have to do. She turned and started heading back to the stairs. At the doorway, she stopped dead. It felt as if her heart had completely stopped. Her breath caught in her throat. She whimpered and collapsed to her knees, dropping both the candle and roll. [color=red]He[/color] stared at her, motionless and silent. It felt like an eternity, but at last [color=red]he[/color] turned and crawled up the stairs at a horrifying speed. Anne finally felt her heart, and remembered how to move. She screamed loudly, realizing where the creature was going. She tried to stand, but stumbled and fell to her hands and knees. - Gideon shrugged. "Probably. I wonder what chased them out." He flicked the page around, thinking there might be something on the back, but the paper was otherwise completely blank. Suddenly, he heard Anne scream. He whipped around, alarmed. "Anne?" He yelled. He ran to the door and to the top of the stairs. He spotted her there, on her hands and knees. "Anne, what's wrong?" He called to her as he stepped down the stairs. He stopped when he glanced at the stairs. Along with the footprints of their shoes were... handprints? He crouched down and studied them closely. They weren't ordinary. They seemed strangely shaped, and long claws seemed to protrude from every finger. He also spotted another print, though he wasn't exactly able to identify what it was. He turned slowly and looked up the stairs. The handprints continued all the way up the stairs to the hallway. And yet.. There was nothing. "Anne..." He said slowly, "What's in here with us?"