Delia didn't really listen as the other girl spoke. Her mind latched onto the idea of her cellphone. Surely her purse was somewhere. She mentally prayed that she hadn't been so drunk she left it at the party. She shoved her brown hair out of her face, only turning her attention back to the other occupant when she began to sound more afraid again. "[color=bc8dbf]Delia.[/color]" She said. She tugged at her top and sniffed it. It didn't smell like alcohol. Which was strange because she always spilled some or was spilled upon. Then again, it could reek of alcohol and she was just desensitized to it. "Lets not jump to conclusions." She pushed the thought of drugs away. They had just gotten really drunk. A few hours from Delia would be laughing with Dax about it. He would probably tease her about going home with a girl and not even scoring. "[color=bc8dbf]I need my phone.[/color]" Delia attempted to get to her feet, but the world spun so badly she just sat back down. "[color=bc8dbf]Or not.[/color]" She whimpered as her head protested. She doubled over and waited for the pounding in her head to pass. She tried not to think about how dissimilar her symptoms were to her other hang overs. Delia wasn't listening if the other girl, who's name she had forgot, said something. "[color=bc8dbf]Do you see my purse?[/color]" Delia asked, her voice slightly muffled because she was still bent over. "[color=bc8dbf]It's black and pink.[/color]"