Elise just nodded her head slightly when the other woman said her name. What was she supposed to say? It's nice to meet you? Not under these circumstances, it wasn't. Elise turned her head, slowly since stabs of pain still shot through her forehead, and her eyes took in the rest of the room. Aside from the nasty shade of orange everywhere it looked like a standard motel room. Maybe there were some matchbooks in the drawer, or pens and pads of paper that had the place's name on them. She had to figure out where she was. She edged slowly towards the bedside table and finally put an end to the wailing alarm. It was a huge relief when the beeping stopped, and Elise closed her eyes briefly and exhaled slowly. According to the clock it was pretty late in the morning, almost ten, but there wasn't a date. She wrenched open the top drawer and found a Bible, but nothing else with the motel name on it. Closing the drawer, Elise let out a small groan as she rubbed her head gently, massaging her temple. She needed an aspirin. And a huge glace of ice water. And a shower. She heard the other woman, Delia, speak again, and Elise's eyes opened to see her against the wall, head bowed. Maybe to relieve her own splitting head ache. She wanted her purse... Her purse...where was Elise's purse? Was she even carrying a purse or a bag before she got here? She tried not to think about what might have happened to it if it wasn't here. If she was lucky she had forgotten it at home, but if she wasn't... What if it had been stolen? Her wallet, her keys, her phone...how would she track it down?" Her head turned again as she scanned the room once more, and her eyes settled on a slightly darker but still hideous sofa across from the bed, near the window. Two items had been seemingly tossed onto it. One was a black and pink purse, the other a familiar brown leather messenger bag. For the first time since waking up in that room, Elise felt relief. [color=00aeef]"It's over there, on the sofa,"[/color] she told Delia. Standing proved to be one heck of a challenge. Her head protested, her arms and legs felt wobbly, and she almost lost her balance. But Elise managed to brace herself against the wall and slowly edged around the room until she reached the sofa. She lowered herself onto it, and took Delia's purse and set it on the floor in front of her so she could crawl over to it. [color=00aeef]"Here,"[/color] she said to alert the other woman. Then she took the messenger bag in her hands and pulled it open, fearing the worst. Everything was still in there, her keys, her wallet with her ID and money and credit cards, her phone, her laptop computer (which looked undamaged). Nothing was missing. She let out an exhalation of relief and hugged the leather bag to her chest, leaning back against the sofa and closing her eyes briefly. This bag...this was the bag she took to work, and the dress and jacket she was wearing were typically items she'd wear on an average day of work. So...she could assume that the last thing she remembered doing was leaving work for the day. Unless she had gone out with coworkers after? It was still difficult to remember.