[hider=Important] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/RRcJd0i.png[/img] [i]art by [url=http://jeffsimpsonkh.deviantart.com/]jeffsimpsonkh[/url][/i][/center] [b]Given Name[/b] [i][color=darkgray]Lost without his memories, he instinctively knew, almost on a primal level that he had to keep himself together. To keep what little he could remember in the forefront. So he named himself, in hopes that he'd never forget or feel any less than his namesake: [b]Important[/b]. [/color][/i] [b]Appearance[/b] [i][color=darkgray]Underneath the decrepit, foreign armor lays the angular, sharp features of a dark skinned youth. He appears to be at least twenty or more seasons old, with obsidian--always calm--eyes. A striking scar rests near his jugular stretching across the entirety of his neck, he often finds himself rubbing it in irritation. He has sandy blonde hair that's shaved to a buzz, along with cut-thin sideburns. His body is rather lean and muscular. [/color][/i] [b]Equipment[/b] [i][color=darkgray] [list][*]Standard Shortsword & Sheathe - Iron blade and sheathe for what seems to be combat. [*]Two White Roses - One has been spoiled with red and the other remains pristine and immaculate. [*]Full Set of Armor - Decrepit and ancient armor, terrifying in appearance and horrid to look at. It however, feels, if only a little, familiar. [*]Neck Device - Rusty and crude, the pain of the needles are pin-pricks on his neck. They are attached by seemingly melded bolts.[/list][/color][/i] [b]Memories[/b] [i][color=darkgray] A small voice calls out to me but I ignore it. Looking at the sun and sky from atop a steed, I notice its gray with foreboding clouds. The voice is a urgent cry and barks out to me again, a call for help from a apprehensive girl. "W-Warrior! M'lady is trapped!" I remove the helm of my armor and with moonlight gleaming through the large--green and blue mosaic--window, lay eyes on a pale, ethereal visage. A woman who's colorless lips strikes me with envious desire and ropes my heart tight with a noose. With her hand in mines, we rush through the murky swamplands, mud slipping from under our feet as the firelight dance behind us and swords clamor against shields. A declaration of my murder is shouted through the darkness and her whimpers grows louder. Her tight grasp loosens around my hand as branch snags her dress. I rip the snag portion from the rest of her dress without hesitation. "Leave me!" she begs of me. "Never." I reply.[/color][/i] [b]Awakening[/b] [i][color=DarkGray] [center]A whine and giggle had begun to rouse him, shaking him from a slumber that wasn't quite sleep. Oddly enough he staid the infantile noise from his consciousness and for some unknown reason begged for sleep to take him for all of eternity. But apparently the child that made such a noise did not care, for soon not only was its whines stark but so was its deep and powerful echoes. Footsteps the likes of giants rumbled what little surroundings he could grasp, the concept of child being near here jolted him into waking. He peer out of twin holes at another being. This being's armor was sable as charcoal, its cloak swimming crimson as it battled a creature unlike anything he'd seen. The beast held the head of a infant with large distorted green eyes and a forehead that bulged with underdevelopment. It even whined like one as the man slashed away at it with white-bladed staff in hand. He cringed from the cry, backing away until he felt himself submerge unexpectedly. In this body of clear liquid, he could still see the gorilla like arms of the child-monster as it guarded itself from a bright azure light. He narrowed his eyes for a moment, not knowing what to do in the situation he was in. He wondered if he'd eventually pop back out or if he'd just fall for all eternity. Pressure was building in his chest for some reason. He rubbed his chest with curiosity, the urge to intake was growing stronger and stronger but he got the feeling that was the wrong thing to do, so he held his breath. When the pressure grew too much he was ripped from the waters by the armored being and left on the craggy soil, only to watch this vagrant drift away... When he awoke, he peered the orange disk frozen beneath the skyline with interest yet he had refused to speak. He traveled the confines of his environment, keeping close to the shadowy husk of trees and studying the creatures that lurked within it. Luck had proved on his side for a time as he spotted three headed turtles with wings the shapes of flat, human bodies. Fully developed goats with needles for eyes and mouth-less faces and crazy looking men with ashen skin. As he put the pieces together he found himself making one important discovery. And that was, regardless of the conditions, he was still alive. He was thinking and conscious, he held a instinct to survive and even more so, even if his memories were shattered, hazy, and just fogged-up broken pieces, he still wanted to find them. So in this pretense revelation, he decided to give himself a name that would keep the memory fresh. So from that point on, he would be known as Important.[/center][/color][/i][/hider]