In the first post of the arena discussion it would be nice if it said all of the different types of fights that one can expect and the general guidelines for them such as tier lists and what you do in every post for attacking, defending, etc. It could mention normal fights, which are unranked, ranked fights, tournaments, and other fight types that we wish to do such as dice rolling. We could have a link to another topic to keep track of the ranked fights character sheets, meeting up, locations to fight, etc. I don't think you should have a limit to the number of characters you can submit to ranked fights, it's just that if you use a lot then you couldn't build up all of their records as well. A link to all of the ranked battles that have taken place could also be in that thread both for fun and for examples of what to do (or maybe even what not to do sometimes). Actually, it could be funny if we do a mock battle to show how not to fight and it could be funny yet informative. For example, one of us could be a super cocky guy who keeps messing up and the other guy teaches him why that was horrible. The battle could be linked in that thread as a general combat tutorial. It could be a good way too teach interruptions by having the horrible guy say he starts a series of spinning swing attacks, only to have the other counter him easily and ruin the rest of his attack.

It would also be nice to get a multiverse thing going again somehow.

Maybe we could do a just for funsies tournament to start things off to get more interest now, having it not as stern but trying to teach them a thing or two until they get more practice for the real deal. It won't count against our permanent records or anything because they might accidentally do some unfair stuff, it will just be for future reference what to do, sort of like that mock battle mentioned earlier but they participate for more hands on stuff.

EDIT: Oh, and this is mostly kidding but with a grain of truth. Everyone should have a Character-A-Day so that everyone will have at least 100 characters in 100 days so that we could have a war take place with 1,000s of characters! Mwahahahaha! The battle would last for years to come. Actually, a neverending battle may be kind of cool. We don't have to have 1,000s at once, but a steady stream keep showing up to continue the fight. We keep records of which characters last the longest. Hmm...or a smaller scale where it could just be a tag team so the battle lasts when around 5 or so characters are defeated on one team.