Delia picked herself off the floor after being so thoroughly ignored. The young woman patted her hair into semi-decency and straightened her clothes. What sort of person totally ignores someone in a nervous breakdown? Granted, some of it was over the top, but still. Delia's mental mutters went round and round on the vein. She summoned up all of her offended dignity when the woman decided to speak to her. As if Delia wasn't good enough to be paid any attention to. Delia tried to keep the sulk off her face, but wasn't really succeeding. [color=00aeef]I'm calling someone to come get me. I need to get out of here and go home. Do you need a ride?[/color] "[color=a187be]I am.[/color]" Delia said calmly. "[color=a187be]Not going anywhere with you.[/color]" After all anyone who lacked that much empathy to a poor panicking stranger might have been in on it. Who knew? Maybe the other woman, who Delia still couldn't remember her name, was the kidnapper and got some sort of sick kick out of this. With a final look at the possible kidnapper Delia strode past her and out into the afternoon light. She flung up her hand as she waited for her eyes to adjust. Not many cars were in the parking lot. Not that she drove her car anywhere, it was just good to see it wasn't where someone could steal it. After Delia's eyes had adjusted she tromped off, stomping in displeasure as best she could barefooted. Delia didn't call a ride like the other woman. She couldn't handle that at the moment. Sure a lot of her panic attack had been [i]dramatized[/i] she knew she was still on the verge of one. A real full blow one. One that probably couldn't be put off with play acting. So she walked and tried not to think about the three days worth of missed texts, Facebook messages, or phone calls. Of course as she walked her breath came out harder and harder like she was running. Or had just ran a distance. She paused and swayed slightly, panting. She pressed her palms to her eyes and tried to suppress a groan, there was no more audience here. She took another few steps after a moment and it got harder to breathe. She bent double, but that didn't help. She could hear a car honking, and someone talking. She ignored them in favor of getting back her breath. But no matter how long she waited it didn't help. Until she took a few steps backwards. The difference was outstanding. Delia moved back towards the hotel and breathing became easier and so did thinking for that matter. Unfortunately that meant Delia had something else to contend with. Was she going to be forever trapped at the Motel?!