"I remember bits and pieces, Chlorine wasn't discovered until the Victorian Era...Alchemy died out in the first half of the seventeen hundreds. Sorry Chloe, I don't think there is an Alchemical character regarding your element....things like Hydrogen and Helium don't really have one either...they weren't discovered for a long time. Iron and forms of Radiation were speculated for centuries...some of the elements on the periodic table are ancient elements...and don't look at me like I'm weird! I know I am okay?" He'd seen the look she'd given him early, and he knew it well but decided not to dwell on it right now. He looked at the pixie of a girl beside him and her Ice Queen sister and felt himself internally shutter. Ice, yes that had a character. Waves, or a triangle representing Life and also Stagnation. The Judge. "Ice is a water base, thus....it had a symbol - two in fact. The Judge, because of the properties of giving and taking. There's an upside down triangle symbolizing stable water, and waves also known as Aquarius - the Water Bearer in the Zodiac as living water. Thus they sprang forth Tarot Cards and what-not. So Aura is...The Judge. I am the Guardian....if you let me think I might be able to come up with the basic principles and that would make sense but....Aria...she's fire....that might...be difficult....sorry." Now he knew they were gonna think he was the strangest person in existence - well they were all in the same boat weren't they - and then he looked to Dan. Radiation, if he thought on it the sun gave off ultra-violet rays and it was a form of fire so him and Aria both may have a similar character. He shook his head feeling a throb in his frontal lobe before almost crossing his eyes. He needed to stop thinking, before he over did it again. Sometimes having a good memory was a bad thing - especially on top of stress. "So, in Italy whose up for a walk to the country side? Maria should be there...."