[quote=@Nerevarine] [h1]Alessandra Guillory[/h1] After the two got ready, they traveled up to the resort, where Alessandra spoke up to the staff. "Hello there, we were invited here by a man named Tecumseh. We were told to ask for him specifically." [/quote] [color=8882be][i]Tecumseh had listened to Mr. Schultz for thirty minutes as he covered, rather vaguely, the details Tecumseh had come down to learn. Fortunately he learned enough to satisfy his curiosity and reassure himself that they were not in fact desecrating any sacred grounds. So he excused himself and returned to his office. He received a brief text, saying only "Check News NOW" from one of his buddies. Confused he flipped the office TV on and watched as Mr. Oberschmitt turned the femur into a sphere and then a cube. His mind went into over drive immediately. Things were going to get nasty fast, fear ruled the uneducated mob and there wasn't enough information to educate even the elementals, much less the whole world. Tecumseh responded to his buddy, "Get the boys and their families together ASAP, I may need you in the near future. And bring your kits, I'll cover room and board just get everyone here." It was time to open up the old "wine cellar," but first the reservations. Tecumseh left the TV on and sat down, setting up reservations for each of his buddies' families in his resort. Up rooting like this was going to be risky, but they'd made plans for just such an event so it would go smoothly, with the last of them arriving in three days. As the day wore on, he worked feverishly to gather what information he could. As the TV focused on the Oberschmitt's he picked up the interrogation in the same oxford pub that had lost it's owner. He had also been sent a picture of the woman doing the asking, a strong woman he saw despite her stature. He pulled out a small note book and began a tally of sorts. Himself, the Terrorist, The Oberschmitt's and their old friend, the Interrogator, who knew how many of the group she pursued(4 persons?), then there was the girl he'd met at the dig today, was she one of us? He left it off as his phone rang. He picked it up and finally hear his stomach growl, glancing out the window he noticed it was evening by now and grinned. Oh! The two had taken him up on his offer! ... could he afford to leave everything? He'd rather not... could he afford to ignore this potential elemental? No, he had to go. Tecumseh asked that the small private dining room be prepared, and that his guest be shown to it. He hung up as soon as confirmation was given and looked at what he was wearing, while it was sufficient to inspect the dig site, it would not do or hosting a dinner. Ahh, right, Sarah had made him keep a suit ready in case important visitors arrived unexpected, given his usual disdain for suits, and this qualified. Even if Sarah wouldn't understand tomorrow morning, oh dear... how was he going to explain this to her? Later, dinner now. He changed in his office, then closed up the office, locking everything before marching rapidly down the walk to the lobby and then on into the dinning room. There he saw the chef signal him from the kitchen door and walked over, to be asked what to prepare for dinner. Thinking a moment, he requested the three course mutton pie the chef did so well. The chef beamed and set about his task vigorously, while Tecumseh remembered one last thing, and headed back through the lobby through a door marked employees only, down a short hall, and into the small set of offices that consisted of the hotel security. There he asked the guards to be extra vigilant, as he'd noticed some unsavory folks at the dig and didn't want any of his customer's vacation's interrupted by a few ruffians. The chief officer peeled his eyes off the TV long enough to see Tecumseh was serious, and grimacing turned the TV off and ordered his subordinates to keep a sharp eye out for trouble, keying his radio to be sure everyone on the grounds got the message. Turning back, he passed the employee lounge, where the receptionist was gossiping with a couple of co-workers about the strange woman dressed as if she was from the middle east. She made the mistake of making a generalization about all such women as Tecumseh passed the door. He stopped immediately, his people had been, some were still, hated by ignorant, thanks in large part to assumptions made by the ruling classes in America about. He wasn't about to let someone else suffer as his people had, and let the receptionist know that if she couldn't bother herself to be any more respectful of his guests and their beliefs, no matter how unique, He'd be happy to fill out a pink slip right then and there. The three women were stunned by the unexpected outbreak, Tecumseh was usually so polite and now he was threatening to fire a girl over one harmless little comment. The receptionist stammered out that the pink slip would not be needed, and he told her to prove it by learning enough about this particular guest's culture to carry on a conversation with her with out offending her. Still in shock, she simply said "okay" and then Tecumseh vanished down the hall as quickly as he had appeared, leaving the three women in an awkward silence. At last he stepped into the private dinning room, having made arrangements with the head waiter that if Ms. Bhati ate dinner at the resort this week it would be on the house, non-negotiable. He stopped just inside the room and took a deep breath before bowing to the young couple seated before him, and requesting the pleasure of joining them for dinner. He wore a black tuxedo over a starched white shirt, with a scarlet red tie, that oddly accented his skin tone in a pleasant way. He wore polished black oxfords over black and scarlet checkered socks. Sarah wasn't sure why he'd insisted on those, but he'd aways answered that a distinguished host must not be easily forgotten yet never to overbearing in his dress, and checkered socks sat right in the middle, or at least close enough for him.[/i][/color]