[h1]Alessandra Guillory[/h1] As Alessa and her guest were lead into the dining room, she couldn't help but notice the clothing she and Jason were dressed in. Obviously not as formal as she would like, but it wasn't like she could really get much better from the clothes brought to a paleontological dig site. Still, she had not expected the level of formality that was conveyed by the environment around her. The simple sundress was certainly nice, a blue dress with a white floral pattern on it. Jason had dressed even less formally, simply in a white t-shirt and jeans. Alessa took her seat, waiting for the host to make his appearance. As he did, Alessa was certainly impressed by his dress. The red stood out and was definitely memorable. Alessa made a small gesture at him, and flashed a smile. "Hello there, I'm Alessandra. It's nice to meet you again, under better circumstances." She smiled again, trying to find words and carry on the conversation; talking was not her strong suit, but she would try her best. "Thank you for inviting us to dinner, we appreciated it very much"