[b][i]Chrome The Chromium Element[/i][/b] As Chrome was brooding over the short-coming's and advantages of his Element, he vaguely noticed the sound of a train in the distance. [i]Chromium isn't useless if I could just find a way to utilize it. Where and When. I don't know. How, I don't know and How I don't know is what I need to learn. I simply must.[/i] Chrome thought. He was constantly wondering how useless or how useful his abilities were. It was an obsession that was almost Bi-Polar. '[i]WHOOSH[/i]' Chrome felt the ground vibrating under his feet as the front of the train appeared in Chrome's vision. He realized that he was standing directly on the train tracks and thanked whatever being must instigate the universe for his hearing. He stepped out of the way when I sudden inspiration caught him by surprise. He had many a time's been caught hitch hiking on trains because he currently does not own a home, but would they see him if he was attached to the side? Chrome took a few steps back as he prepared for a jump. The train grew closer. He tensed his legs to the best of his ability, although it was in vain because his muscles made of Chromium were more similar to gears that regular humans. [i]This is insane, you'll kill yourself[/i] a voice of reason echoed through Chromes brain. [i]If I was going to die, I would've a long time ago[/i] Chrome thought to himself. He almost smiled as he realized he was talking to himself. Almost. As chrome soared through the air and changed his magnetic field to attach to the train, he realized seemingly for the first time that metal on metal is not a pretty sound. He tried to turn but it was too late as he attached to the side of the train making a heavy [i]'Clang'[/i] noise "Damnit!" Chrome, although quietly, said.