[center][h2]Fenrir[/h2][/center] [center][img]http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/109/9/5/wsjj_by_cdash-d628xz1.jpg[/img] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QT_AvhOau7U]Theme[/url][/center] Name: I'm born as “Chris Richards” but that's bigass lame so don't ever mention it. Nickname: Fenrir. Age: 21 Race: Human. Social Status: The creepy outsider. Relations: I talk to people and they talk back but I wouldn't call them relationships. General Activity: Hahaha I study, I hunt, I get high and all that jazz. Abilities: I've tons of experience with shooting various things with various other things. I've blown stuff up on occasion. I can't drive but I can walk for miles. I can appear normal when I'm high, and high when I'm normal. Get the picture? Equipment: I always have my instrument in a holster on my belt. On the other side I have a mundane Beretta Px4 Storm, just in case. I also usually have a flick-knife on me in case I need to peel, bleed or stab anything. Instrument: [url=http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/200/9/f/elah___basic_by_peterku-d57t31e.jpg]Elah[/url] Fragment abilities: Well, obviously, she shoots. She's not an ordinary gun though, she doesn't have a magazine and what she fires isn't visible to me so it must be essence. It can go through a brick wall with no problem and the “bullet” gets pretty far, though I haven't had the opportunity to find out how far just yet. It only damages living tissue, so that's making it hard to determine what her range is before I've shot enough pitiful souls. Also it seems to me that it loads whatever essence will cause most damage to the individual cuz they scream quite a bit louder than normal. Fragment personality: She's a cute little bitch, I quite enjoy working with her. It kind of makes me wish she had a body, but hey, we don't always get what we want. She's observant and clever but whimsical and only talks when she feels like it. I have no idea what she used to be or even if she's the only soul in the fragment. Personaility: I don't care about race or even strength, I think everyone is useful in their own way and I'm quite eager to find out what yours is... Biography: Do I look like the sharing type? Ha, didn't think so. But since you're so curious. I was born in Loom short after it fell under Judas' rule, my mother had been raped by my father who was a soldier. She was a little serpent because she'd managed to use what happened to her advantage and instead of being discarded and killed on the street. She'd clung to that one man and later on proved to be quite useful as a strategist. Can't say she ever learned to love him, not with all the beating but she probably loved me because she stayed and took it. He beat me less often when she was around, so I guess she cared. I grew up in the Red Hill military base, my toys were the guns of the men around and my teachers were their boots when I'd said too much. I learned a lot in those days but never quite caught on their racism – after all, I'd learnt to cherish all races equally, though not in the same way. When I was old enough I was signed up to the regiment but I was never the obedient type either. Sure, I did what I was asked to do if somebody was watching, and if not, I'd just wander and look for something interesting to smoke, rape, eat.. You know, the typical. I'm a good actor when I want to be so selling myself as mediocre meant less expectations and more freedom for me. Eventually the Rebellion succeeded in creating those Nephilim mutants and Gods did they wreak some havoc! Our base happened to be Judas' residence at the time so I got to see them at work. They were truly ferocious, literally ripping people to shreds. Unfortunately I didn't get to see the final face-off as I was knocked out cold but when I came to a chick was hanging over me who turned out to be Hazumi. She gave me “a piece of her”. I was quite happy to follow her to these ruins of a school and then the principal and her pet came and here we are today. Lovely meeting you too, heh.