"First of all, what are you doing? Secondly, my name is Jaden! And lastly Maria is not my aunt! she's just my father's old friend." God what was he even doing? Aria was the one who at current had him worried. He sighed and felt a sudden urge to bash his head against something. Dan was doing something with the window, Chloe....he wasn't even sure. Aura - he didn't even want to know. [i]"What am I doing by agreeing to go globe trodding with these people? And on top of that they don't seem to keen on talking at the moment...not that I blame them in all honesty...."[/i] They had been forced away from family, and were left running away from a psycho who could do unmentionable things to them if he got them. Right now though he felt guilty. Aria and Aura hadn't wanted this to happen - he hadn't wanted to force them away from their parents - Jaden was also positive that Chloe and Dan had family potentially looking for them or wondering why they hadn't come home yet. They couldn't contact them in case something happened and they were tailed, none of them could connect to the others who knew them to let them know that they were okay. "When we get to Italy...Maria can probably show us what to do and help us get to America...she may even know where we'll be safest....so lets just try and keep ourselves calm and get through this...I think we can avoid that man as long as we're careful." Careful, how much more careful could they be? Changing their appearances, their names, nationalities, and their potential futures. What would they do if people found their families? Even Jaden had relatives he didn't want to see get caught up in this mess - but what could they honestly do? Nothing, and it made him feel pathetic. [i]"Just wait it out, we can make it through these trials so long as we keep looking forward."[/i]