"Hey, I am not--! Whatever. Whatever," muttered Chloe, crossing her arms and looking the quite metallic-looking newcomer up and down. If this guy turned out to be hostile, she wasn't sure if her chlorine could do the job. She wondered if he even had proper lungs that were made of flesh. He had to, right? He [i]was[/i] a living being...although he looked more like a moving sculpture or something. "And he does not sound like a redneck on a joint! You just have to get used to it." Why was she defending him? "...Anyway, yeah. I can breathe out chlorine if I want to and that stuff isn't a fan of the human body. Pleasure to meet you, Chrome. I would [i]never[/i] have guessed your element." She extended her hand for a handshake, although a bit timidly, hoping that this guy wouldn't give her some electric shock or something.