[B]Name:[/b] Rachel Black [B]Alias:[/b] Shadow [B]Age:[/b] 16 [B]Gender:[/b] Female [Hider=Skills] - Proficient in use of most blades - Excellent Marksman - Trained in several forms of hand to hand combat - Trained in subterfuge and infiltration tactics - Rudimentary knowledge of interrogation techniques - Basic field first aid common to many military organisations[/hider] [Hider=Abilities] - Superhuman Strength and Agility - Short range teleportation [/hider] Weaknesses: - Trust Issues/Social Anxiety - Prone to violence when triggered Equipment: - A pair of energy blades. Length and size vary according to setting, as does lethality. Lowest Setting is a stun, highest slices through steel with ease. - Stealth Suit: Near perfect cloaking that renders her invisible to most spectrums of light, infrared and ultraviolet included. This applies only to electronics. - Dual pistols. Silenced. Range of high tech ammunition for different purposes. [Hider=Personality] Rachel is an introvert and distrustful of people in general. She speaks rarely and sparingly to those around her, and seldom offers her opinion unless it's to correct glaring errors in judgment. It gives people the impression she is condescending though she is far from it. She is an avid reader and keeps a personal library of favourite books and authors. She has a liking for cute things like stuffed animals and puppies though she had precious few of such possessions and would never admit it. Literal warning shots are fired at whosoever confronts her about it. History: Rachel Black was born to a family of mercenaries who were notorious for aiding in the civil wars and fighting of the African warlords. As such, she was raised to fight and kill at a young age, against men twice her size at least. Failure was met with painful disciplinary trainings. She served as an intelligence and wet work operative, silencing men in their sleep and using her age to get where others couldn't. Thus the nickname was given to her - Shadow. On one of her missions at age 15, she was sent to assassinate an ambassador negotiating a truce between two tribes when she was discovered and thwarted by members of the Justice League. Unsure of what to do with her, she was taken in by Wonder Woman, rehabilitated from her brainwashing and nercenary upbringing and trained to be a hero rather than a soldier. Fearing her reception to the team would be less than welcome, Rachel's past was kept a secret from the rest of the Young Justice. [Hider=Appearance] [Img]http://digital-art-gallery.com/oid/109/640x960_18912_Katarina_the_Sinister_Blade_2d_fan_art_assassin_girl_woman_fantasy_red_hair_picture_image_digital_art.jpg[/img][/hider] I have another archer character in mind, if I may reserve a spot for that.