[h3]The Video of Medical Miracles- PBS Station. New York, New York. 1:00 PM[/h3] It was a standard set-up for the public news station. Herschel Orenstein was sitting on the left side of an oval desk made of maple. The reporter, sat on the opposite side. The reporter glanced at Hershel and spoke in a dry tone, one practiced and honed through the years. "Mister Orenstein, we will be one in about two minutes. The card's still up thanking viewers, and mentioning our donors." Hershel gave a nod to the interviewer, "You aren't playing the overly sappy one are you?" The man shook his head, as he glanced back at Hershel. "Standard one, we aren't in a crunch to get more donations just yet." The anchor was a fairly jaded yet dull looking individual. His most interesting feature were his sunken cheek-bones. Other than that he was a fairly boring looking individual in a grey suit with a black tie. The camera light turned on as the anchor looked into it. "Welcome viewers, old and new. I'm Douglas Smith, and my guest is Hershel Orenstein. He is a local to the city, founder of the local business, Orenstein Jewelers. But more importantly he has come to our attention from the JREF, due to his special nature concerning arsenic. Today we are discussing the medical miracle that he is." Meanwhile a individual in the sidelines with the camera, tried to get Orenstein to glance into the camera. He did not and simply focused on Douglas. The anchor returned his attention back to Orenstein as he spoke again in his dry voice. It was as if he trained himself to avoid appearing too interested or invested in the subject. "So Mister Orenstein, when did you find out about your gift?" Hershel held back a cough, as Douglas looked on a tad nervously. The fact he could get poisoned by this guest, did seem to break the act a bit. "Are you feeling alright? Ne-" He said as he nervously fidgeted with his right foot. Hershel wagged his finger in an accusatory manner, as he glared at the man. With a bitter scowl on his face he spoke up, "I was gettin' ready to answer. Is this what the youth of today have become!? Unable to wait patiently!" Hershel attempted to push his torso up from his wheelchair to get a higher elevation. However it was a strenuous task and as such was unable to do it, so he wagged his finger again. "And if my grandkids and kids are watching at home, why don't you call!?" He glared into the camera as Douglas coughed and tried to reign the conversation back into the intended one. Douglas blinked as he shook his head. "My sincerest apologizes. Our viewers would love to hear about how you learned how you realized you were a medical miracle." Hershel gave a soft nod, "Ah good, at least some of the youth can learn to apologize and respect their elders. I'd be delighted to answer. I learned of my condition when I went in for a daily check-up with my doctor." The anchor noted the revelation with a, [i]I see, I see[/i] sort of nod. "What do you plan to do with this newfound knowledge? Have you checked to see if any of your relatives may have the condition as well? And do you know how important this discovery can be? As we know arsenic is a rather dangerous" The anchor asked as Hershel scowled at him for a moment. "Sonny, what's with all the quick questions!?" Hershel said visibly temperamental at the situation. Douglas realized his err as he bowed his head again, "My apologizes, I ju-" Hershel glared, "Just what? Oh, come on tell the nice viewers at home. My back hurts, I -" He shook his head, "It's an honor to be on the show. As you can imagine it's quite the change, and I haven't fully gotten used to it yet, let alone think of what I intend to do with this newfound knowledge. My apologizes for snapping." The anchor just stared bit before giving a nod. Hershel paused as he continued on, "Well yes, I would like to check if my children and grandchildren have the same ability. I know arsenic is dangerous, just trust me on that." Hershel said with a really depressed tone of voice as he glanced down and mumbled out a hasty, "I miss them." A small tear came from Hershel's right eye, which he quickly wiped away. He returned his attention back on the anchor, "Anyway, the scientists out there should find something from a sample of my phlegm, I don't mind giving it to them." Douglas pressed his hand against his right ear, as the camera light went off. "Well, we are going to need to cut this interview a tad short. I hope you don't mind returning in, say a week? We have another story to cut to, and we can't give your story the attention it truly needs with only this short knowledge." Hershel gave a nod, "Yeah, I'll gab about it." ----- [h3]Somewhere in Long Island[/h3] In a run-down looking apartment, a man sat alone, on a worn leather couch. The man was dressed in a black trench-coat, dark beige trousers, and some dark dress-shoes. He glanced at the television, that occasionally flickered with some signs of static, that was broadcasting the news of both Fargus and Hershel's stories. He tapped his right hand on the arm-rest, before reaching for a pristine dark brown fedora that was on-top of a dusty coffee table. "The mindless sheeple, they are going to buy into these two aren't they? They don't realize the white light of optimism has burned out long ago, due to the nature of foul succubi and manipulative impish creatures. I've been waiting for such an opportunity. The chance to quell a light in which they claim to have belief in." The figure smirked as he placed the fedora on his head. "Our paths will cross, and I will extinguish the hope. There is only darkness and pain, and I can't allow such-" He growled as he spat down on the floor, as a bug skittered past. "[i]Heroes[/i] who claim to only represent niceness, when I know the truth. I shall show them all the dark and terrible truth." With his right thumb and index finger, he tipped his fedora as a cord and some collapsible blades emerged from the brim. Pulling down the cord he flung the hat into the tv, as it shot out an explosion of glass and electrical sparks. "It is time, for the Cyni-Cap to rise above these betas." The figure said as he got up and began cackling maniacally.