[h1]Alessandra Guilory[/h1] Jason pondered over the events once more. "[i]It was working perfectly that morning when I checked them over, aside from a minor crack in the caseing that exposed some wires.[/i]" he pondered more and more. "[i]It only stopped working after Alessa was shocked by it..[/i]" Alessandra was getting uneasy at the mentions of what happened. It wasn't like she had any way to counter or an excuse why she hadn't been burned or hurt. [i]"Alessa,"[/i] Jason spoke up once more. [i]"Why was it that you didn't bring an alarm with you?"[/i] Alessa paused for a moment. "They..they break a lot for me. Most alarms dont last more than a few weeks." Alessa just used her phone, which was safely locked up in a rubber case to prevent any electrical shocks or exposure.