"What about the South? Maybe North Carolina? Its mostly forests and mountains right? That might be better...and I agree with you Dan...when we get to Italy we should only stay for two days tops so we can rest and see if Maria can help us get out and to America safely." Jaden just hoped that it meant everything would be okay in the long run. If they headed to America they were putting a lot on the line - but they had no more options, and hopping around Europe continuously would only put more at risk and potentially draw more to them. Not that having more people was exactly a bad thing, and they had been doing something right so far by staying together. "But we have to remember....there's safety in numbers. That's something we can't ignore no matter where we're going....it might not be a bad thing that more people like us are coming to our side....all things considered....we might have a chance of escaping that psychopath if he comes calling again." There was one thing he could admit that he didn't like right then and that was some of the feelings he was getting from the others. Despite knowing more about one another they still didn't really trust each other did they? He suspected not considering what they were going through at the moment. However, trust was their best chance of surviving. He sighed and looked to Aria before giving her a kind smile - probably the first one that reached his eyes in a long time. "So, that's my thought - any other opinions for states that are remotely unpopulated?" He kept a small smile to his features despite his efforts to draw back in on himself. [i]"I need to be careful not to get to attached....if something happens I'll blame myself and then some....I don't need to loose control...that's something we're all in the same boat about."[/i]