Aria sighed, trying not to blush at the smile. When Jaden wasn't all scary-iron-vigilante dude, he was really a sweet boy. She shook her head. "Bad for you, Aria, bad for you bad for you bad for you!" she muttered. Aura looked at her sidelong. "I hope you've come to your senses about that boy. He's just going to be trouble." Aura whispered, trying to elbow Aria but remembering just in time that she'd probably freeze her. She sighed. "Aria, put up a bit of fire or something, because I want to hug you and I don't want to give you frostbite." Aria burst out laughing. "If you only knew how strange that sounded!" she said, between snorts and giggles. Aura rolled her eyes. "Aria, focus. Focus shmocus hocus pocus please." Which just made her sister laugh all the harder. Aura sighed and looked to Jaden. "I vote anywhere not Florida. It's so crowded there and there're tsunamis and hurricanes and things. And DAN FOR CRYING OUT LOUD THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A SKUNK APE!" She shouted. Aria, having gotten her phone out and her giggles under control, except for a case of hiccups, rushed to back up her sister's point. "Right, skunk apes are classified as "Cryptids" which means that sightings have been reported but no one in the scientific community has been able to validate them." She raised both eyebrows. "We aren't going to florida to try to validate those claims."