Dan stared, slackjawed, at the other passengers in the car. He was incapable of believing what he was hearing. "Ah you tellin' me you don't believe in Skunk Apes? I tell ya, befoah my ma died, we took a trip down ta Disney World. Well, not ta Disney World exactly, we nevah went in, just soahta stood around outside while she bummed smokes off some redneck, but I tell ya. I saw a Skunk Ape that day, walkin' inta a convenience stoah, stealin' a six pack, and runnin' away inta the forest. They'ah as real as you an' me. Don't you EVAH disrespect them." He sounded quite legitimately upset. This was definitely a very important belief to him, that the world was a magical place where Skunk Apes could live. "And I tell ya, Florida is as safe as anywheyah else. You evah seen the Evahglades? Nobody would evah find us."