[color=8882be][i]The main dish arrived, the salad plates being cleared, unless the diner requested to finish the salad, and the large bowls of mutton, mashed potatoes, corn and peas, surrounded by a thin, light brown crust. Drinks were refilled and the waiters left. Tecumseh said nothing while the staff was in the room, then he rose, locked and closed the private dining room's door. Turning he looked right at Jason, with a deadpan face and very serious voice and demeanor.[/i][/color] [color=ed1c24]Jason, if you breath a single word, if you write or draw a description, if you should in any way shape or form communicate what you are about to learn; the next time any one sees you, they'll be digging up your fossil. Is that clear?[/color] [color=8882be][i]Tecumseh's folded arms rested on his chest, and he stood with his back to the door, blocking the window. If Jason gave any answer besides an emphatic yes, he would be asked to leave immediately, with out Alessandra, and would be escorted out of the resort, without his dinner. As soon as Jason was satisfactorily accounted for, Tecumseh looked to Alessandra and asked, though he could already guess, the question he knew she must be dreading.[/i][/color] [color=ed1c24]Which element is yours, Alessandra?[/color]