[color=ed1c24]Kira Nikostratos: Carbon[/color] [i]arrrg[/i], Kira groaned as he surveyed the shelves. He looked back at the list that Maria had given him. [i]Where are the tea leafs at.[/i] Maria had sent him to run errands for her as part of the payment for Betts leg. [i]Thinking back[/i], Kira thought [i]She had beds and food prepared for both Bettina and I. Almost as if she was expecting us.[/i] It was then that Kira spotted the tea. Before he grabbed it, something caught his eye. A television in the store was broadcasting about some college that had caught fire. [i]Great[/i], he thought [i]with my luck, this will mean more trouble for us gifted ones.[/i] He grabbed the last item on his list and looked back to the T.V. [i]Then again, I wouldn't mind joining in on the destruction.[/i] With an almost devious grin, he left the store.