[h1]Alessandra Guillory[/h1] Alessandra frowned as Tecumseh posed his question. Part of the girl wanted to deny him an answer at all. What made him have the right to even think he should know something like that. But then something else set in Alessa's mind. How does he even know about the powers. She thought about her past to see if anything gave a clue as to her element. Obviously the use of electricity, and how well it conducted in her body. That and the one thing that her doctors brought up in two liver biopsies she had done as a child. Her liver had an unusually high level of Silver in it. The silver, however, was not reacting with her body, but was present in her liver, bile and pancratic fluids. "Silver, my element is silver." She replied, and then posed a question of her own. "And if I may ask, why do you know about this, how do you know that my powers are elemental?"