[color=ed1c24]Hmm... well, since you were kind enough to be honest on the first go around, I shall return the favor. I have an affinity for Boron myself. A fact known by exactly eleven living souls.[/color] [color=8882be][i]Tecumseh let Alessandra and Jason absorb that little piece of information, before politely requesting that they keep this matter a secret, as he believed, based on personal experience, that sharing the information would prove fatal, at best, for everyone involved. He then turned, unlocked the door, and returned to his seat where he began eating the painstakingly prepared main course. He used the placement of his napkin, either in his lap or on the table next to his plate, to signal the waiter if anyone needed anything, so the three of them could continue to discuss things in relative privacy, if they so desired. If Alessandra wanted to change the subject, Tecumseh would gladly take the opportunity to do some shameless self-advertising.[/i][/color]