Name: Dingle Of The House of Tingle Race: Hylian (Great Fairy) Appearance: An inhumanly beautiful woman of slender frame and gentle disposition, Dingle wears a suit similar to her adoptive father's, a skintight green spandex unitard with red pants and a massive backpack. She has, in a scabbard at her side, a pirate's cutlass. Though it's usually bunched up in her pointy hat, she has a LOT of hair- it reaches down to the backs of her knees when let loose. It's a vibrant red that isn't that common among Hylians. Cliches: Scion of the House of Tingle (4 dice): The greatest hero of Hyrule, Tingle is known as "The Hero of Fairies" for protecting the Fairy Fountains across the land from destruction or corruption during the cataclysm. He has taught her the finer points of being a merchant, negotiating with shopkeepers, how to fly on a balloon, store things in her pants, mapmaking and geography, and looking good in a spandex suit. Student of the Pirate King (3 dice): Linebeck earned his title of "The Pirate King" by ramming his ship through the heart of Gyorg, saving the Gerudo pirates from its fury. To Dingle, he has passed on the arts of swashbuckling, reading the horizon for weather patterns, navigation, and sailing. Apprentice of the Garo Master (3 dice): Ingo is the Garo Master, a highly skilled infiltrator and assassin. Quick on his feet and silent in duty, Ingo has done his best to train Dingle in the arts of the Garo- stealth, deception, and acrobatics. Great Fairy of Kindness (2 Dice): In truth, Dingle is not the daughter of Tingle. She is actually one of the last Great Fairies, the Great Fairy of Kindness. She can (theoretically) heal the sick and wounded, grant boons to noble travelers, enchant weapons, and even resurrect the dead. Personality: Dingle has been raised by three of Hyrule's greatest heroes. She's noble, courageous, and merciful, viewing all things as equally deserving of life. However, she was also raised by Tingle. She is greedy, selfish, and tends to demand rupees for services rendered. But never more than a person can reasonably afford. Backstory: There is nobody in Hyrule who has not heard of the legendary exploits of Team Rupee. Tingle, the Hero of Fairies, Linebeck, The Pirate King, and Ingo, the Garo Master, are shining beacons of hope in this dark world. Heroes of the downtrodden so omnibenevolent, even Ganondorf must grant them grudging respect. They have traveled from one end of Hyrule to the other, seeking adventure, discovering treasure, and protecting the downtrodden citizens of Hyrule. What very few people know, however, is that Tingle has a daughter. Dingle was found alone in a cave in the Twisted Acres, in a dried-up pool of water, and Tingle raised her as his own child. However, this isn't entirely true. Tingle DID find Dingle in a cave in the Twisted Acres- specifically, a fairy fountain that was drying up. This would have spelled doom for the infant fairy, so the eccentric merchant hero took her in. Knowing that the healing powers of a Great Fairy might be sufficient to cure the corruption of the Lost Acres, Team Rupee set to training the girl to be all she could be. After all, they were getting on in years, and the girl would need to know how to defend herself to protect a fairy fountain... and get the rupees to live well. Twenty years later, she's joined up with the caravan to make a shitton of rupees and get her fountain repaired so she can begin the work of healing the forest's wounds.