Delia squatted on the sidewalk, clutching her purse. She knew she was prone to over dramatics. But sometimes she even make herself roll her eyes at herself after the fact. Just because she had a panic attack when she tried to leave this roach infested cesspit didn't mean she was stuck here. Delia stood up and forced herself to [i]get over it[/i]. Or she tried to anyways. The lightheadedness was probably just a side effect of whatever roofies she had been given. [b]I thought you were leaving.[/b] Delia nearly jumped as she heard a voice from behind her. She turned, still clutching her purse to see the girl from earlier. Delia's face grew bright red. The girl had probably watched the whole scene with Delia acting like a loon. Or a hobbit, crouching then getting back up, shaking her head. At least she didn't slap her cheeks. "[color=bc8dbf]I...uh...[/color]" Delia scrambled for words, any words to say. But nothing came. At least nothing that would help her not look like a crazy person. For example: [i]Sure, I was leaving but I think the motel has eaten my soul[/i]. Or even, [i]Maybe I love the motel because I just had a panic attack when I tried to leave[/i]? Who even gets panic attacks now days? Crazy people. That's who. Delia tried to grab her anger at the girl from earlier, but she could only just babble unintelligently. Until she shut her mouth before she made it worse. Delia turned her head away and sniffled. She scrubbed at her eyes in horror. She was NOT going to cry. She wasn't. Because that's what a basket case would do. When Katherine woke up in a strange place and knew something terrible had happened she took action*. She didn't sniffle like a five year old who had scraped a knee. Delia whipped her head back to the brown headed girl. "[color=bc8dbf]I am. I apparently just needed a moment. Aren't you going?[/color]" The mental image of being five again had given her strength enough to not be so damn pathetic. *CSI: Season 7, Episode 1