Lithe was curious of the lady that he was speaking to. He was not sure whether she was being hostile or simply was not a nice person. It didn't matter to him, he was just asking for directions and it would not fit to act in violence in his current situation. Lithe rolled up the window on his car, an expensive Firebird restored from a 1980's model, and continued cruising down the highway. He was heading to a new location to lay low and possibly complete some small contracts while the bulk of an investigation was being pit against him. He was not a wanted criminal and no one knew of who he was or what he looked like, but he wasn't going to stick around and wait for the police to lock him up with some fancy profiling and mugshots to limit his freedoms. In fact, he didn't want anyone with any authority to see him lest the ruin he streak of terror by recognizing the lone kid that could make the Rape of Nanking look like a minor ordeal. All of this was what was on Lithe's mind on the ride to the Resort. Lithe watched the resort with a sense of unease, he couldn't see the name of it anywhere or he just wasn't being observant enough. He stole glances at other people as he got out of his car and walked into the lobby to check in and confirm booking of a room. As he walked up to the receptionist he pulled down his silk mask, gathering glances born of low-minded curiosity. "A suite for one" was all Lithe said, then he pulled his mask back up. The receptionist caught his No-Crap attitude and began to lead him down a hallway "Right this way sir" The receptionist said, leading him to a hallway of sorts, leading him to the room he booked. It was larger than he thought it would be and he was grateful, however promptly, for that. Lithe walked in, ignoring what the receptionist had to say and began piling his stuff into a corner, finally leaving to take the rest of his luggage to his room. Upon his return he took one single bag and opened it, revealing two dangerous and very illegal weapons. He pocketed the hand gun and moved the assault rifle into a closet, hidden beneath another bag. Finally, he set out of his room, ready to spend a short time enjoying himself before he prepared for work.