Sorry, but got to drop out of this.
We'll miss you! Was nice having you! c:
Yes, I hope it's okay if sometimes we don't voice act~
I have a family of seven younger siblings and it's ALWAYS loud here.
I very rarely have quiet time unless it's really late at night xD which always isn't the best to write.
That's just fine! c: Sometimes, I just get tired or my family is sleeping and I don't want to disturb them. xD
So quiet. o.o
Too quiet >.> <.<
I'm sorry. ;---; I'm almoooost not busy! I've been dragged to be in a musical, so rehearsals are usually an every day thing. And school and all this extra-curricular
super important stuff. But I should be able to post
at least once a night! More so whenever we begin the dinner. After a couple of posts or so, we will skip to the beginning of the dinner! :3
And uh, yeah, I love Goro. XD He seems so cute! I would go to an amusement park with that kid! And you know, a nice restaurant with Michael! Handsome fella he is. c:
Sorry I can't get a post up tonight, tomorrow after work/between school and work I will do my best!
No rush! >3< You've been great at helping with this roleplay! I mean, all of you have too of course! <3
That's mostly why I enjoy it LOL.
I feel like Michael and Paris will be able to relate on this.
Michael and Paris definitely would. XD I bet Tatsuya and Hiiragi would
rock the hell out! Along with Goro, of course!
c: And Fukatsu would chill.
Annnnd Michio and Tsukino would be like, "Yeah, we're actually kind of normal, so.." .3.