She had been quick to fall asleep due to the fact that she was completely exhausted when she was finished grooming Liam. However, she woke up once after a dreadful nightmare and decided to stay awake beside Liam, wanting nothing more than to protect him from the creatures of the night. They had been separated for too long, and she would do anything to make sure they were never separated again. Sarina lay on her back beside Liam, staring at the ceiling, her right hand gently holding his left. “Nothing will ever hurt you again, nothing” She whispered quietly. As hardened as she was since he was gone, seeing him again brought back some of her sweet and innocent nature. Her eyelids were heavy from being so tired and keeping them open for so long, but she wouldn’t allow that to stop her from guarding him. In her head, memories of old times swirled around like clothes in a washer. She could remember the battle in Italy that she caused, because she was weak and was captured. There were memories of when she first met Jay and how kind he was to them. Then there were memories of the Vatican, yes she had been there, and she had even met the Pope. Of course, then she was in a guise, trying to find out information about her best friend. Jay got her in, but they were thrown out for their questions. “You know he didn’t miss you that much right?” A voice asked in the back of her mind. Sarina simply smiled tiredly, ignoring the voice for a little while. “You’re rather silly, you know that? Of course he missed me that was the only reason he kept on living, if you’re trying to make me upset you should know that doesn’t work anymore” The voice was that of Shado, Sarina’s demon. She was always trying to get Sarina down. Ever since she was defeated by Liam and Ferdia, Shado had disappeared. But then, Sarina brought her back, taking a lot of time to learn how to control the beast. Now she had Shado’s strength, her skills, and could even summon her weapon if she wanted too. The only downfall was it took a lot of Sarina’s strength to keep the demon at bay whenever she used her power. While she was thinking about her demon, which was always there, waiting to break free once more, Liam’s hand moved ever so slowly toward her while she was holding it. Sarina blinked slowly in surprise and turned her head to stare at Liam. “Liam…? Are you awake? Can you hear me?” She released his hand and sat up, leaning over him but not touching him. “Liam??”