Mycellium watched as the pandemonium around him unfolded. Another big man-beast came over to the Kokiri to manhandle him, then a woman-beast came forth and began aggressively talking at the man-beast, then a girl-creature... A fairy? No, it couldn't be. The Fungus-Wood Scrub knew that there were no fairies left. The Fungus-Wood itself had taught him so. Whatever it was, it started yelling at the Kokiri again, then turned to him. Mycellium stopped making the noise from his snout. This one seemed more likely to harm him than the Kokiri did, and he did not want to provoke it. Looking out from his cage, he saw where the caravan WAS for the first time: at the entrance of the woods. If the little fungus scrub could experience joy, he would be giddy with it. A chance that the fungus had been waiting for was finally being granted: To claim the Old Woods, the untainted sliver of it that lay between the Ironwood where the Fungi scrubs would fear to tread, if they felt fear, and the comforting home of the towering Fungus-Wood. Mycellium knew was his duty and privilege to taint it.