Aria and Aura looked at each other in panic. "Um, yes?" Aura said, since Aria had gone mute. "I'm Helium, my sister is Hydrogen. The boy who has his arm around my sister and is about to get frozen in place for it-" She glared at Jaden. "-He's Iron. The filthy-minded one is Copernicium, the girl is Chlorine, I think the one who ran off said he was Chromium? Anyway, how the hell do you guys keep finding us?" In her anger Aura actually cursed. Aria clapped both hands over her mouth laughing. "Well, it was just the two of us, then we found Ja--Iron. Then Chlorine got roped into it with us. Then Copernicium tried to kill us but we reached an understanding of sorts. Chromium hit our window and scared the daylights out of us. And now you." She unconsciously decided that she didn't trust the man, using only their elemental names and not their real ones. Not that it would do them much good, but it was something.