Jan watched the amusing sight of the armored man yell at him before becoming stuck to the roof. "I have been called some nasty things before, but those would have to be at the top of my list." He said out loud as he looked at the gathered members and back at the girl that had introduced them all. "You may just call me Nitrogen for now since you don't seem to trust me and giving you my actual name won't seem to change a thing." There was another reason why he did not feel like giving them his real name at the moment. He has to use a fake passport when traveling now since Interpol had finally figured out his real name and at the moment he could not remember that fake name to save his life. Jan then turned his attention to the person that had just spoken and introduced himself as Danito and shook the man's hand. Unfortunately, he could not get rid of the icy touch that could be felt through his insulated gloves, but with that being said he could feel power coming from the man. "If that armor is made of chromium then you can say that I am the last person he would like to meet. Though I don't have any intention of causing any of you any harm so there is no reason to freak out."