Jaden stayed silent as the white haired stranger talked. Nitrogen - an interseting element and rather horrible effects. He shifted, his arm still around Aria. Somehow he knew this was going to get troublesome. He took a deep breath and looked around them. Including himself, Aria, Aura, Dan, Chloe, Chrome, and the Nitrogen guy they now had seven people in their group. He knew earlier on he had stated there was safety in numbers, but if they were going to become magnets for others like them - as they had apparently been thus far - they desperately needed to steer clear of largely populated areas. "So, what's with approaching us and making connections? Why are you deciding to buddy up to us?" Jaden did not, without question - trust this person. He wasn't even on a radar of possible vain hope. No, he did not like the feeling he got off this person, and he wanted zero to do with him. [i]"Is he working for that guy? What about his intentions? What is going on?[/i]