"WHAT THE HELL!" Saya looked at the TV screen as another news report went on about the discovery of [i]superhuman[/i] powers. She didn't like it when she'd first caught wind of it and now she was seething. [i]"This is bad....if they find more photos...even traces of information not only will those two be in trouble but so will all the others who choose to come out with any identifiable qualities about us....like my black and white hair....or Jaden's iron gray eyes....those other two are also associated with accidents that resulted in deaths like myself and Jaden....we're in serious trouble..."[/i] She wanted some benefit to come from the world knowing but she knew one great detail - humans, especially the normal ones - tended to become irrational when it came to the unknown. They weren't until recently known of and now suddenly people were talking about it and surely this was going to stir up panic. Saya didn't like what she was seeing and hearing on the information. They were going to soon, without question, begin to ask people come forward with any information on strange accidents and situations that involved supposed superhuman powers. She sighed and rubbed the bridge of her nose. They were in for hell soon enough she knew. [i]"God....we are so screwed it isn't even funny anymore....are we about to....I hope not."[/i]