The castle was really your standard castle. Anywhere you'd go you'd find the same pieces. Towers, a moat, draw bridge. The only difference from the towers Caden was used to was that this one was prepared for battle. Men were armed and arranged on top of the defensive walls. Most of them had bows next to them or even holding them, ready. The drawbridge was lowered because they were expected. The young soldier was a little uncomfortable with the set up. He had been born to follow in his father's footsteps, but this would be his first time ever seeing true battle. The castle was really your standard castle. Anywhere you'd go you'd find the same pieces. Towers, a moat, draw bridge. The only difference from the towers Caden was used to was that this one was prepared for battle. Men were armed and arranged on top of the defensive walls. Most of them had bows next to them or even holding them, ready. The drawbridge was lowered because they were expected. The young soldier was a little uncomfortable with the set up. He had been born to follow in his father's footsteps, but this would be his first time ever seeing true battle. The young skinny blond watched as a rider pealed away from the castle to ride out to meet them. When they were hailed, they followed, even though it wouldn't be hard to know what way to enter as there was only one. Caden sat up straighter in his saddle to make sure he was proper. He had grown up in Elensa and perhaps understood the idea that humans were superior better than anyone out of the small band. Even if they were all human, or in the case of their esteemed veteran Thetrous, half-human. Which was desperately obvious and would probably be a problem. Which was why he should have been left behind. Not that anyone had shared his opinion, he had tried a few days out from the castle to tell the other new band members, but they had just looked at him funny. Especially the westerner, Mordechai. Or as he asked to be called, Moradi. Which was apparently his last name. Who named their child with a similar first and last name? It was ludicrous. Like the half-dwarf. He was travelling with a pack of morons. When they reached the inner court yard the escort had everyone dismount. Stable hands appeared to take their horses. "The Baron is waiting in the war room." The escort said, still leading the way. He was a happy man, he started chatting with anyone who would listen. Which meant the half-dwarf was more than happy to join in. That man was a talker. He had even assumed the same casual friendliness with Caden when they had first met. The walk to the appointed meeting place took a while since it was in the keep. They had to go up a flight of stairs in the circle, down another flight and up another one. Sure it was to keep out invaders, but it took forever to get anywhere. Caden's own home was similarly arranged. "Ah. White Shields. I trust your journey was swift and pleasant. Sit, have something to drink, you must be thirst. Boy! Bring drink and food from the kitchens and be quick about it!" The Baron return his attention to the seven men, well- six men and one woman, after yelling at his squire. He was an older man, probably about in his late forties. He had a little bit of a beer belly, but it wasn't that he had let himself go. It was obvious he was still in good shape. He had a large mustache, that was graying, which hung down past his chin. He gestured again to make sure everyone sat. "I assume you've all heard about my problem. That Bastard Baron seeks to kill me and ruin my plans to bring to this years meeting my ideas of open trade. Too long have we been putting everyone else down." The Baron sighed. "And for my trouble I now have a war." His steel grey eyes moved over to the map of the area. "They are massing in the north from Baron's Hogswallup's lands. So far they're not a large enough force to come against me, but Baroness Janus is coming to Heath's aid. In two days their force will be strong enough to come against me and they will wait me out." The Baron sighed. "If we can discourage Carla Janus from adding her men, Heath will have no choice but to draw back or meet me on equal footing. My home and I will win." The Baron finished with triumph in his voice. "But I cannot leave my Castle unguarded long enough to dissuade the Baroness, and I hope you men, and lady- My apologies, can." [[Note: Baroness Carla Janus took over her husband's Barondom when he passed away of old age. She's a older woman and very set in her ways. Baron Heath Devon is about the same age as LaFlur. He is also of a same mind as Janus.]]