Jan did not go well when he was threatened and stood up to lean against the sword so that it was barely touching his throat. As he stood up he pulled off the glove on his right hand and raised it up in the same gesture that Chrome was doing. "I swear to keep my mask on while in your presence, but don't think you can threaten me and get away with it. Tin man." He grabbed the blade with his bare hand causing the metal to start freezing. On the outside it looking like ice was just spreading across the surface but the real damage was being done by nitrogen seeping into the metal and weakening the complete chemical make up of the sword itself. With one twist of his hand, the sword snapped in half and fell to the ground at his feet. "Now, that we understand each other let us get along." He said with a smile under his mask and sat back down. He then turned his attention to the rest of the group as they were wondering why he had appeared to them. "Well in reality, I had just returned from New York and was just enjoying being back in Europe when I saw the metal man at the at the station and came to investigate. I actual do not have much dealing with other elements and have only met a few in my time. I am also taking a break from my work and taking in the sights for some time before I get back into it."