Aria jumped to her feet, sparks trailing off of her hands. Aura flicked her hand out, smothering the sparks with dribbles of liquid helium. "Aria, calm." Aura whispered. "What's a metal-man to you, anyway?" Aria shrugged, but still let a plume of burning hydrogen curl off of her hand. She raised her voice a little. "So you're icy. Well, I wonder how well you'll like fire?" She let a cloud of hydrogen off, vaguely guiding it into a sphere around Jan, and snapped her fingers to release a spark. Aura reached out and caught the spark with a hissing and a noticeable sense of lightness into the air. When she spoke her voice was a bit squeaky. "Aria, you wouldn't. Just because he's new doesn't mean you get to roast him. Anyway, why are you so violent all of a sudden? Is that boy-" She glared at Jaden "-Being a bad influence on you? Because he should just [i]leave you alone.[/i]" She then turned to the man. "Forgive my impulsive young sister. However, I would appreciate it if you two [i]boys[/i] would refrain from killing each other. That's the last thing we need, a higher death-count."